Thursday, August 6, 2009

Enjoying summer before it passes you by...

When my coaching call begins I often ask my client, "What victories did you have last week?" There's usually a pause then they'll typically say, "not much". This is a very common pattern with many clients. After I ask the question their mind searches for something to report. If it's not big enough they reply "not much". Okay here's the lesson - we have victories all around us. We need to pay attention and take notice of the smiles of our loved ones. That we live in a country where we can dream as big as we want. So take notice right now, it's a perfect time of the year to enjoy the warmth and summertime play. You have so many victories in your life so begin to focus on them. Here's one of my victories, coaching my little 4 year boy golf. Watch out Tiger....
Live your mission,