Sunday, November 16, 2008

JP+ Training Grand Haven

What a great group of people to spend the day with on Saturday. I had the honor to speak to the group, "the time is now for the wellness industry". I enjoyed sharing the five green nuggets - Inspiration, Focus, Emotions, Time Management and Be a Champion. Please visit my speaking page to view a few video clips. The group had such great energy and desire to make a difference in people's health.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I had the pleasure to speak at two different mom's groups last week. I spoke to the Coopersville MOPS group and they were a lively bunch. I spoke about the power of whole food nutrition "Growing Healthy Families". As parents, we need to understand the influence we have on our children's eating habits. Lets focus on prevention versus disease. They really enjoyed the information and I really enjoyed the opportunity to speaking to them.

I also enjoyed speaking to the St. Patrick's MOMS group on Thursday about time management. I provided the secret to time management which is emotions. Time isn't our problem, the problem is the lack of control of our emotions. I provided some excellent procedural strategies based off my product Plan Tomorrow Today. And, I stressed if you want to fix your time management issues fix your emotional well being first!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bootcamp in Traverse City

Wow, what an amazing time up in Traverse City. First of all, Traverse City is such a beautiful place to visit anytime of the year especially summer. I had the privilege to be a trainer at Nancy & Jerry Kroupa's Juice Plus Boot camp and it was outstanding, the boot camp, oh yeah so was I (ha ha). I presented one of my favorite talks, "Psychology of Success". All of what we want or at least what we think we want depends on our mindset and behavior. We have patterns of success in our life for some it's anger for others its self pity. You're probably wondering how can you have success linked to those nasty emotions, well the person does it so often they're successful at it. We have the power to bring anything we want into our lives; happiness, love, joy, excitement however you need a strategy, a pattern that's conditioned as a behavior of love.....

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Plan tomorrow today

Do you find yourself getting frustrated because you seem to lose control of your day? Days pass, weeks pass and you feel exhausted and nothing seems to be getting done. Well it's possible you've overlooked the fundamentals of scheduling your day. I've spent hundreds of hours with my clients and it shocks me to hear them tell me they don't have a system in place. What about all the technology? It hasn't help or at least that's how I feel. I actually think it's made it more complicated. So keep it simple and use the old fashion way "paper and pencil". Start planing tomorrow today. Simply plan what you want to accomplish by scheduling and committing. Hey, think about it, do you want to continue this pattern of frustration? Then plan your day and execute.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

July's Newsletter - Shout off your inner voice

Shhh, stop for just a minute and listen.... Do you hear anything? What you can't stop, not only for one minute. Oh, I see, you have too much "to do" and you can't afford to stop and take time to just listen. You might be asking yourself, "What exactly am I listening for." Well, that would be you. Your inner voice has the power to take complete control of your life. Do you realize that inner voice of yours can and does make your life miserable? How many of you feel exhausted at the end of the day or week? Well, that's because you're carrying around with you a thousand pound gremlin. The gremlin, I'm referring to is the chatter in your head. So, when might this gremlin show up? All the time! Here are a few examples of what he/she might say:

"Why didn't you workout today?"
"That's it! You're only going to make 10 sales calls today?"
"Yeah right, lose weight after a lunch like that, good luck."
"You're not doing enough work to make money"

You get the idea, right? We need to be aware of that inner voice, the gremlin, because it will wear you down. I've noticed when I'm coaching my clients at times I'm talking to their gremlin not them. It stands out because of the stringent rules of perfection. Your gremlin never rests and never gives up, as long as, you allow it to continue.
The first thing I'd recommend to shout it off is awareness. Realize you have a gremlin and it is very controlling. Then you have to stop and listen or at least just listen. What are you saying to yourself? Are you saying anything like the examples above? Just be present, listen and breathe. When your gremlin speaks ask, "Is it true?". Get very familiar with your gremlin and laugh it off and tell it to shut up!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Breaking Boards in Monroe, MI

Saturday, June 7, I had an amazing opportunity to do a training in Monroe, MI for a group of outstanding NSA Juice Plus+ distributors. It went so well primarily because of their willness to play fullout. Have you ever attended a workshop or presentation and you leave with good information but felt something was missing? Well there's a good chance something was missing. So many presentations are just at the first level which is intellectual. Meaning you get the information being presented and it makes sense and you understand it. Not only do you get it, but you expect change in your life because of this new information. Well learning new information isn't enough, we need to apply it and use it or as I say, "put it on". That's exactly what we did in Monroe and we learned to breakthrough by being in a peak emotional state. Everyone broke a board!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

May 2008 Momentum Newsletter

The Power of Questions
Rather you realize it or not your always asking yourself questions. You might be thinking, so what. Well, we become the questions we ask ourselves. If you ask poor questions, such as, "Why do I have to keep calling these dumb people back?". The odds are high your going to come up with some pretty poor answers. The natural behavior that follows will be an unresourceful emotional state. So we need to ask better question so we come up with better answers. Questions have the power to make change in your life right now! So if you want to change something in your life please set some time aside and answer these questions.

What are three of the most important things you need or want to change or improve in your life right now?

Of these three, which is the most important for you to change right now?

If you fail to change or improve this area of your life, what will it ultimately cost you?

If you could truly change X to what you want, how would your life be greater? What would happen and how would you benefit? What would the results be?

If I had a system that could absolutely help you achieve X, would you commit to whatever is necessary to take advantage of it?

Grab your calendar and write in the following date when your going to take action.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Instant Gratification

I've found a common issue with my clients that hold them back in accomplishing their goals - instant gratification. It seems most people want the goal but really its not the goal they want, its the benefit of the goal. If you have a real fairly challenging goal your currently working towards you've most likely felt the bite of instant gratification. We want the goal right now or as I mention the benefit. Now what is the true benefit achieving a goal? It's the emotional benefit, right! The feeling is the fuel and we feel deprived when the goal seems so far. So figure out what emotion this goal will give you - joy, excitement or a sense of accomplishment. Then ask yourself do I have to wait to accomplish this goal to experience my desired emotion. Of course not and you already have proof. Have you ever reached your goal and didn't feel all that excited, why not? Because you experienced the goal so many times in your thoughts as if you accomplished it which made you feel joy, excitement etc. So when you feel the instant gratification bug has bitten you remember to feel the feeling you want when accomplishing the specific goal and you can have it right now!