Wow, what an amazing time up in Traverse City. First of all, Traverse City is such a beautiful place to visit anytime of the year especially summer. I had the privilege to be a trainer at Nancy & Jerry Kroupa's Juice Plus Boot camp and it was outstanding, the boot camp, oh yeah so was I (ha ha). I presented one of my favorite talks, "Psychology of Success". All of what we want or at least what we think we want depends on our mindset and behavior. We have patterns of success in our life for some it's anger for others its self pity. You're probably wondering how can you have success l

inked to those nasty emotions, well the person does it so often they're successful at it. We have the power to bring anything we want into our lives; happiness, love, joy, excitement however you need a strategy, a pattern that's conditioned as a behavior of love.....
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