Shhh, stop for just a minute and listen.... Do you hear anything? What you can't stop, not only for one minute. Oh, I see, you have too much "to do" and you can't afford to stop and take time to just listen. You might be asking yourself, "What exactly am I listening for." Well, that would be you. Your inner voice has the power to take complete control of your life. Do you realize that inner voice of yours can and does make your life miserable? How many of you feel exhausted at the end of the day or week? Well, that's because you're carrying around with you a thousand pound gremlin. The gremlin, I'm referring to is the chatter in your head. So, when might this gremlin show up? All the time! Here are a few examples of what he/she might say:
"Why didn't you workout today?"
"That's it! You're only going to make 10 sales calls today?"
"Yeah right, lose weight after a lunch like that, good luck."
"You're not doing enough work to make money"
You get the idea, right? We need to be aware of that inner voice, the gremlin, because it will wear you down. I've noticed when I'm coaching my clients at times I'm talking to their gremlin not them. It stands out because of the stringent rules of perfection. Your gremlin never rests and never gives up, as long as, you allow it to continue.
The first thing I'd recommend to shout it off is awareness. Realize you have a gremlin and it is very controlling. Then you have to stop and listen or at least just listen. What are you saying to yourself? Are you saying anything like the examples above? Just be present, listen and breathe. When your gremlin speaks ask, "Is it true?". Get very familiar with your gremlin and laugh it off and tell it to shut up!