Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Money Can't buy you success

I have found the number one stressor in people’s lives is money. Over the last couple of years this has been devastating for so many people. What has been the real issue? Should the economy take the full blame? How about those financial institutions that gave the money for nothing to people who shouldn’t of had in the first place. Well we can play the blame game all day long. That won’t resolve anything.
I see it this way – everyone has taken their part in the situation. The people borrowing the money and the financial institutions are both responsible. The question is why? The answer is very simple – human needs. Money is a vehicle that helps people meet their needs. Money was so easy to borrow even though most weren’t qualified. Purchasing that bigger home gave that person the feeling of success. It made them feel significant which is a human need.
What can we learn from this financial disaster? Human needs need to be met at any cost. It’s so important to choose the right vehicle to meet our needs. Money can be a dangerous vehicle. It’s more of a false illusion of success or meeting the need of significance.
The real source of the issue is human emotion. Our emotions lead us to meet our needs. People want success which means a bigger house. The money was easily available so they grabbed it and purchased a home. Emotions are the source of our actions. We need to know how we’re meeting our needs. If you want to feel successful and significant find a vehicle that’s good for you and good for others.

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